Friday, October 16, 2009

Standing my ground

Hello world! Can't believe the week whizzed past and it's Friday again. But this week has been good. In fact, I would think it's been a rather significant one for me. Nothing spectacular about this week in terms of events and happenings.

our mini grocery shopping trip + steamboat (:

dinner with secondary school friends (:

But more than anything, I've been finding my way back to where I began. Nothing beats have daily encounters with Him and hearing His voice. Nothing beats waking up each morning knowing that God is on your side and that He does not delight in seeing me in misery. Nothing beats living life knowing that He has an awesome and exciting plan for me. Nothing beats knowing a God who loves me so much more than anyone else could.

I love this place I'm in now. The feeling's awesome. Then this fear creeps in and tells me that this is a temporal feeling which would go away once something bad happens. And frankly, I'm afraid. I afraid that like all the other times, I falter. I'm so afraid that something will come and rob this away from me. Being the extremely easily affected person I am. Haa.

My friend asked me about the definition of Joy last night. (How timely) Well, it is not happiness. It is something that you can’t conjure up. Something that comes from within. Something that only God can give. It is something lasting. It is not affected by circumstances. Because its base is not on how good circumstances are, but on God, who is unchanging, faithful and good. Having said that, then it is safe to say that one's circumstances can take away the feeling of happiness, but can never take away one's joy.

One sad truth about us humans is that we're always seeking. It's never enough. Most of the time, we seek happiness- whatever could make us feel good for the moment. Seek and you shall find right? I won't lie, because when I shop online, I do feel happy. Seek happiness, you'll find happiness. But the feeling happiness is temporal, because people/circumstances can rob it away. The story takes a turn when we begin to seek joy. How does one seek joy? You gotta go back to the source. The only one who can give you joy. And that's God.

You see, we know these stuff. We know it too well, but yet it's hard to put it into action. But I have to say, it's worth it. It is so worth it. It's sad knowing the existence of such a joy but never really knowing it. We settle for quick fixes and adrenaline shots. But the roller coaster ride is tiring. Maybe it's cos I feel jaded already, but I'm so sick of being luke warm. I want to live each day joyfully and meaningfully, for a sole purpose- Him. I really do. (:


dot said...

slurp. food looks good. jap food!!!! yumzZzz. so boomz

Anonymous said...

ky says whoot! (:

jean said...

(: welldonelove. hug.

angel said...


okay i'm getting too excited