Wednesday, August 24, 2005

god. is. so. good. to. me.

chem spa was disastrous. before i went in, i was certain tt god was with me. it was my ct whom was invigilating. however, i so screwed it up. i did not get my crystals!! rah. i reali tried everything i could. EVERYTHING i mean. all i could do was sit there and wish for crystals to appear. minute after minute i stared at my pathetic colorless solution. it wasnt happeing lar!! i pray reali REALI hard. for god to just the crystals appear. hmm. still, not happening. i was soo so on the verge of crying la. i felt so helpless; the teacher was shaking her head at me, i was shaking mine at the flask. but still, not happening. to be honest, at tt point in time, i was lyke. okay. mayb god's sick and tired of me making all the mistakes in life. n i was reali lyke. hey god, i thot you said you'd never fail? now look! well. he reali scared me to death. i mean it was 'a' lvl pracs, how 'unimportant' could it possibly be?! you. not lyke god didnt know. till the last 8 mins of the practical. a miracle happened. whatever it is, i feel reali remorseful for not trusting him. not trusting him tt he was in control and when he promised me he'd never fail, he meant it.

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