Friday, December 02, 2005

after a great camp of dripping guey mucus, tears, late nights, early morning, inedible food, sandy beds, you just wont feel lyke blogging as yet. haha.
so dead tired tt day.
had fever conference the folllowing day till friday.
saturday had a wedding.
sunday fell super sick.
adding on, my laziness
my assumption tt other campers can fill you readers in first.hah
BUT i DIED to all my laziness and yup. here i am blogging.

alright, so anw, the camp was one of my best camps?
has been a really eventful one too. for many. everyday something happens. not exactly good things actualli. but above all, i learnt so much. SO much. ive experienced SO much. inmeasurable.
so. yup. it was actualli the first camp tt i got to room with ppl i wasnt very familiar with previously. normally i'll just room with the same few friends. but this time, i cant start to say how gladi am to be able to mingle with my "new" roomies- dorothy, grace, jolene.=) thanks for making my camp a memorable one dearies!
games. hmm . what to say. i was in blaze. yup.

okay now the ONE TT WOULD GIVE YOU CHILLS. spiritual food was YUMM. haha
i cant lie abt meeting god in the camp man. in SUCHAN awesome way. it is one of those camps where god meets you every session? yea. woohoooo
first few sesioons god spoke sooo many things. but somehow i didnt feel lyke i had a "breakthru" kinda thing? everything god spoke sorta god into my "head".

as much as ive known god for years, since i sorta grew up in church, i never knew tt i had a problem in accepting tt god actually loves me for me?
yea. so the last session blew me away as god dug deep into my past, washing away my past, my wrong perceptions of Him.
since young i always had the tendency to feel secondary in all relationships. be it family, friends or whatever. and because of tt i was unable to receive the fact tt god ACTUALLY REALLY loves me for me?! and tt he REALLY does have a plan for my lyfe, and wants to use me. not just my best friend, not just my brother, not just everyone else. but for me toooo!!! tt is lyke woaa to me. such a simple fact and yet i never knew i was struggling hard to believe. because of tt ive created a road block to what god wanted to do in my life all along.
never expected tt the past could kill. never expected my breakthru to come in sucha simple yet powerful way. as i flipped back to the previous sessions and what god has spoke to me abt, everything came into place and all tt was in the head, went right down to my heart. =)

and THE THING TT MAKES YOU DELIRIOUS! the last session where sheena saw god's annointing falling on our region. woooo. for me a saw a strong wall. when the whole region got together and prayed. i tell you, such unity, such power man!! it was realli exciting. REALLY. ohya. we're having our region f youth camp next year huh? get ready!!=)

excited excited excited

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