Monday, January 02, 2006

entered this year really kinda abruptly.
really dont know how to" feel" for this coming year man.
really excited, cos its my big year! 18 okayy.
at the same time, its "A" LEVELS! crapp.
time really flies man. i thought a moment ago i was still pia-ing for my "o"s. and now.
oh well, another opportunity for God to do a life changing miracle i guess! hehh.
i'll try really hard to study lar. really gotta trust God man, looking at the way i usually spend my time. hehh.
2006, its gonna be crazzy man. haha

soo many of my good brudders gonna be "AH BING GE"s for our nation le.
hey: joel, joash, des. IM GONNA MISS YOU GUYS SO BAD.
no more v neckers. no more "trust me!". no more of finding ridiculous verses in that book. HAHAH (DO YOU LYKE HONEY?)
COLLEEN CHUA'S leeaving me too.:(

this year's gonna be real challenging.
but im gonna make sure 2006's gonna be a testimony for life!:)
gone! like yesterday is gone;

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