Saturday, March 25, 2006

the last two weeks have been a real long two weeks for me.

march 10, while i was doing my common test math paper, my granddad passed away .
the reality didnt actually strike me till i got to the funeral.
mum and dad flew back from macau and mum didnt actaully take it very well initially.
cremation day was somewhat traumatizing for me.
after the whole thing, had a big quarrel with my aunt.
two days later my parents left for macau again.
another two days later were my common tests again.

all these, seemed to have robbed away a large part of me. my joy, my freedom, my relationship with god?
i really felt horrible, alone and fearful.
i went for the synergize night sessions.
and every session, God showed up. and bit by bit, He took all my cares, my bondages, my fears and my failures away.
i really dont know how He did it. but maybe tt's why we should all stop trying to play God.
but he really lifted me up above the storms and gave me a breakthrough.i know this may sound cliche but its truely amazing.
pardon me for my limited vocabulary(heh) but i guess there are no words to describe our God and all the mysteriously great things he does for each and every one of us.

thank you so much dear god, for you came to my rescue, when i called out to you.


. said...

yup, there are no words man. He shows up even when no one else can.. :)


~Jess =) said...

:) hey es. hope u're feeling so much better!! remember no matter what... God just shows himself so mightifully. He comforts you in your weakest moments. He is always, always there no matter what.
May God give you the peace you need dearie. :)

jiemin said...

hope you are feeling ok and sorry bout your strive hard for A level=)