Tuesday, June 13, 2006

HEY HO! am back from kl. its was indeed a FAN-TAS-TIC trip! :)
it was a whole lot of fun being in god's prescence, laughter from ehem, and excitement.
pastor john andrews was just so right on man- simple, funny, straight into your face kinda msges.
i like:) Really learnt alot larr.
but really, i feel lyke the real testimony of the camp has yet to be testified.
its really how i live my live from now on, falling back on the principles ive learnt in the camp. :)

got to know the region youths a lil better too.
ohya, our region brought back the championship of the soccer tournaments! woohoo.
nah, i didnt play. but guess what i had muscle aches from all the cheering and punching my hands into the air. goodness. how unfit can i get man. haha
ohwell, it was still alot of fun standing by the sidelines watching the million goals get pass the helpless opponent's goalkeeper. poor thing.

ohyes! im so glad tt we didnt meet any rides in sunway lagoon tt had the weight limit thingy! haha thank jesus i tell you. haha
it rained once it was about to be our turn for the rollercoaster:(. hmm. actually, :))))).
haha i was pretty freaked out by just looking at the humps man! haha
oh well, but generally the wet rides were really thrilling.
haha and guess what, joy didnt cry for mama this time! okay joy, well done. heh:P

because of a stupid recording i recorded, i laughed for lyke non stop for the first three days.
yep, and mdm asthma the ancient witch looked me up. :(
105RM okay! thank god the hospital's lyke only a street away. but the machine was faulty la. i had to do the thingy lyke manually.hah
still, thank god for his protection. i could have died okay! it was really terrible la.

alrighty now the photos;
on the way back home. where our bus broke down!!!!!! yup. we touched down at the causeway at 11 plus when we left the hotel at 1. yes. looong ride.

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