Tuesday, July 11, 2006

drats. in the end they stayed over. i was wrong.
anyway! i flipped open my study bible and i found this:
with reference to nehemiah 9:16-21
seeing how god contined to be with his ppl shows tt his patience is amazing! in spite of our repeated failings, pride, and stubborness, he is always gracious and merciful, and his spirit is always ready to insruct. realizing the extent of god's forgiveness helps us to forgive those who fail us, even "seventy times seven" times. (matt 18:21-22)

its gonna be a new beginning for me tmr! (w/o my parents:( )
BUT. ive got GOD with me thou! (:(:(:
YES. im gonna start my studying thing from tmr onwards.
im so gonna shock you with my dilligience okay.
heard new time table's really sucky thou; got lessons till lyke six tmr.
and mr chua wants me to sit for the math paper which i conveniently absent myself from. heh
not really looking forward to school but oh well.

Great is his faithfulness; his mercies begin afresh each day. i say to myself," the lord is my inheritance; therfore, i will hope in him!" lamentations 3:23

weeeeeeeeee (: God is so good huh. thou i guess we'll never be able to comprehend the extent of his goodness till we meet him in heaven.

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