Sunday, July 30, 2006

there's just something bout you.
something tt has gotten me so stuck on you.
something tt has caused me to love you foolishly all this while.
i don't have to understand, i don't wanna rationalise.
i don't care if its true. i don't care if its not.
loving you guillibly each day;
has become such a bliss.
i never want to leave.
lyke you said you never will.

ive got a new kitty. bout 1 month old?
she's gross. haha named her jill. so its jack and jill!
she's super act cute.
a stray kitten but ya, we're not planning to keep it for long.
gotta send it to spca soon? we're lyke fostering for a month or so to see if there's anybody who's interested to adopt. i'll upload the photos soon, so if you're interested give me a ring yea.
jack fights with it every single day laaa.
poor jack. i love my jack. okay so what if im biased. rarr
my bro's biased too. he loves jill to bits.

anw, week was pretty unpleasant.
stress lvl's lyke gg up my thighs ready. HAHA
all the motivational talks, the studious classmates.
was called into principal's office. yikes
got me to lot of thinking. i think. (see. haha)
anyway, yup, God's good as ever.
for the next three months, ive gotta stay in school everyday till 9.
COMPULSORY. for me. oh thanks ALOT principal! (who deprived me of a chance to see the vp!!! :( )
i got a life huh. haha oh well
its okay, i think i need it la.
the last thing i wanna do is disgrace God on the day of my results.
ya, so. tmr's yet another brand neww start for pia-ing! (:(:

i'll rmbr you. and tt's enough to keep me gg. (:

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