Thursday, August 17, 2006

my 18th year birthday is somehow really special to me. (:
besides the reason to celebrate for legality(i can get married legally now! haha) , ive got my loved ones with me.
since young, i never lyked birthdays. the irony of it all.
yea, i dont mind the presents, hong baos. but i definitely hate the attention part. heh strangely.
i seriously dislike it when ppl sing me the birthday song!
its just awkward. lyke what do i do with my hands? how do i smile? do i pose for the camera? do i sing along? haha do i sing happy birthday to "me"? i cant say thank you for lyke 2 mins thru out the song right? somehow i hate the full attention. haha what if ppl notice my pimples! okay.
anyway! i had lyke celebrations celebrated over three days. heh. envy me. weee.

went out with gladys daniel cheryl and seth .
went to eat at swensens (fav caesar salad!) and coffeebean for cakes. (:
to you dearies:
it has been say 2 years since we left secondary school?
and our friendship is strong as ever. yayness :D
i cant thank god any more than i do for you guys.
thanks for all the fun, for all the laughter( esp when i tell jokes) and of course for sticking thru with me all these years. i love you guys!
AND. im nowhere near looking lyke silly old eeyore okay! hehe thanks for the pressie!

yea, the actual day.
by right, i was just supposed to have dinner with jamie shuann and cla.
but ya, smart me!!! i could tell it from their faces, something wasn't right.
its the type of face where you are trying to contain your laughter and its so darn obvious? heh
yea so. we went sakae sushi in heeren. yay.have been having the sushi crave the whole week.
and they suprised me with a top i wanted to get from dorothy perkins! so nice!
okay and so aftrer dinner they wanted to come to my place and tt was tolly weird cos jme hates to come to my place since there are two freaking cats, its tolly out of the way for shuann.
so we were on our way back and jme faked a stomachache( which was didnt take much of my intellect to realise she was faking haha) just so we could take another bus tt leads our to another bus stop. okay complicated but nvm.
so we went home and i looked down and there were my church friends with sparklers on the grass (forming "18" i think), posters and a cake! AWWWWW. how sweet of em. i was seriously touched la. (mucus on green shirt HAHAH WENQI)
thanks for all the pressies! (happy meal makes me happy!)

slpt all the way till 3.30 in the afternoon! haha school day mind you.
den went to glutton's bay at esplanade to have dinner with col and joy.
i tell you, its paradise for gluttons! haha recommended by makan sutra alright.
local delights were way beyond yummy. oily too. but who cares. heh
had desserts at swensens.
and slpt over at col's place. FAV SOFA!
watched "click". okay i only slpt after lyke 30 mins of the show!
great improvement! i wasnt the lousiest at least. hiakhiak

yup, all in all.
i really wanna thank each and every one of YOU.
really no words to express my gratitude!
i truly thank god for such a bunch of friends, great friends. even for those who smsed me and showed tt you actually rmbred! i commend you for that. (im real bad at birthdays myself!)
arggg. tear jerking moment.
thank you guys, really.
thank you god. sooo much. <3

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