Sunday, August 20, 2006

jonathan makes yummy brownies! (mooncakes? haha not at all!)
wen to novetel with bro's cast for the pdn today.
was lyke pretty extra. haha so i "helped" with the props! eh. sorta.
came home. was tooo tired for evening. really, really.
was lyke slping on the bus trip back home.
and so jill is gone now. yup we had let her go. ):
when i thot she was one bit grateful, she proved me so wrong.
once we went downstairs, she jumped off my bro's arms screaming "freedom!"
and sprints off. couldnt find her after. ):
yea, seemingly it was freedom for jill.
lil did she know, it also meant having to start to fend for herself out there.
the outside world might seem so attractive and exciting, but i guess only the owner knows better- what actually lies out there.

good memories are remembered, vaguely.
overtime, exhilarating experiences are not felt as strongly as before.
somehow, its the things tt are not meant to be remembered tt are most unforgotten.
i need to be forgetful when it comes to you.
i don't wish to, ever.
but i need to.
reality's pressing to set in.
goodbye, loved.

i know, i remember you whispering:" my grace is sufficient for you."

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