Saturday, October 14, 2006


hey besties in pj
(now tt we dont see each other face to face its easier to say stuff right?! HAHAH)
thanks for this two years, my preciousss.
yea, w/o you guys in pj, school's not school. i would skip all 5 days of school instead one 1 per week! haha
i'll never forget the great times we had together, minus the scary moments of the volcano eruptions. hehe but still, we all learnt tog didnt we?

the very sweet girl with a really sweet character. (:
i award you the radical change award! haha. doesnt life rock when everyone's happier? wee. as much as it wasnt in your wildest imagination to enter into pj, i believe tt you dont regret right...?? (now's the part whr you say YES dear!) haha
but i do know now, the 5am travelling from serangoon lifestyle is NO FUN. *pats cla on her head* but its worth it right? hehe. SAY YES. haha i know you think tt way la.
your funny faces when you pose never fail to amaze me.
and clara's the nicest! cos she laughs at my jokes! (so jme cant say nobody cares abt me. LALALA)
clara's catchphrase: "is my hair messy?" ESP WHEN WE WALK INTO HE CANTEEN. i wonder why. hehe (double twist- one on top and one below.)

when i first knew you, you were lyke some bitchy girl tt said on our first meeting "im very clever one la." i was lyke o....k. BUT after talking to you thruout the third day of orientation i realised i was wrong. a pretty frank, forthright but kind-hearted girl. (with low EQ) HAHA. you're improving by the day dear! really..
i cannot forget your expression when we were doing our mass dance together! mymy, were you on drugs or were you just happy tt you found me..? HAHAHA.
i remember how you scolded me lyke crazy if i ever said wanna give up and retain back then. haha but it did push me further to where i am today, see.
although you always lose in your bets for ribenas, sweettalks and suki buffet, i hope you'll lose terribly when you say you wont get straight "A"s for yous As. (:

a special someone who cried on first week of lecture. OOPS. its okay dear, you found me! and the golden girls. HAHA.
behind the hot dancer and sexy chick tt everyone knows her as, i see a totally different side of her. and i love her for her! (: oh and if i ever wanted to make a billion bucks, i know i can count on jme. hiak hiak hiak. i can blackmail her with lots of photos of her slping, doing funny and awful faces!
she's been my consistently faulty alarm clock but yet i'll never throw her away! althou she falls aslp on my bed while attempting to wake me up, and forgets 99999/10 of the time to call me when i msg her to wake me up, its okay. unconditional love for a friend okay! be glad, hahah.
its really nice to have someone like you to study tog, and talk abt stuff tog. :D

so lets all work our best together this last two weeks before our "A"s okay!! PUSH my precioussss! we can do it tog, with god's help! :D

i never knew i actually loved school.
so much so tt i hate to bid farewell now.
im gonna say this for the first time althou it sounds downright patriotic, but whatever.


col said...

haha its your turn now ehh. i rmb my farewell assembly too! i guess everything really does eventually work out. at least God makes it so (: make sure u really pia these last few weeks yea. it'll be over before you even know it! jia you jia you!!

. said...

hey i love pj too!I still rmb my farewell assembly. the entire class had alot of emotional outbursts..

yea, pls study hard. what we have said doesn't really matter as much as what you say about yourself, and your God, and what He says about you. "Head and not the tail."

be blessed, and i'll be waiting till its over!! go eat!! haha..