Monday, July 09, 2007

NDP's preview of the preview '07

The pride of our nation. Bahahaha!

You're the man Joel! Thanks for the tickets! (:

When we got bored in the crowd. Er.... Great focus.

Omgoodness, Esther and I burst out laughing when we saw this! Spot the poor guy. HAHAHAH

Mr sun was extremely friendly.

The Mascots (I tried my best not to laugh. I pity them, like seriously.)

These guys are extremely brave, period.

Because it was a preview show, or rather a rehearsal, the "big shots" were too lazy to show up. ( I mean, there's not much media coverage on this one anyway. Oops.) So they got some random girl to stand there and make funny faces at the camera. Hahaha, it was quite funny.

Ahhhhh memories. Reminisce those days when i was a part of NDP. ST JOHN's! <3 href="">

JOEL!! Can you see him?? I can't either. lol

Didn't manage to get a good shot cos i was trying to cover my ears at the same time! This thing is freaking loud! Rmbr how I used to scream when i was in the contingent since i couldn't cover my ears then. Hahaha MAD.
Didn't manage to get a shot for the simulated Lee Kuan Yew and Mr President. Lee Kuan Yew(simulated) was like 30ish years of age. And Mr President(simulated) was skinny. hahaha
And this! This got the aunties behind me screaming at the top of their lungs. I almost died of an heart attack please. :/ Think I was busy talking and didn't realise it coming. I struggled to get a shot too. haha

The March Pass

Just as I thot I was gonna get a perfect close shot of Joel, someone just had to spoil it for me. ):

Another sudden LOUD explosion and these guys appear. I would advise anybody with a weak heart not to go, cos I think really can die luh!
Jumping off the Highway!
Each one absails down into the sea. Can you imagine if they practise a thousand times. These poor men have to dunk themselves in a pool of poop, pee and trash A THOUSAND TIMES. Our army guys really love the country don't they. :D So proud of em!

"Singapore is a really safe country." Tts all they wanna prove to you. I really feel so after looking at all the high tech stuff we own. I was reeeeaaallly impressed. (:

The moment you go, " I love you Spore! Count on me, Singapore!!!"

Fireworks-not quite like fireworks.
This two pictures are like a glimpse of judgement day or something! haha It looks like lightning awaiting to strike the sinners down. hahahahaha Oh man, now i know why in my two years as the photographer of Publications, they NEVER once asked me to take any photo for any event. Instead, I was sent for photography courses after photography courses! ):):): The truth hurts.

Can you believe I used a 7 megapixel camera for the pictures?
I've let you down, my dear Olympus.
On a side note, I feel blessed being a Singaporean! I love you Singapore!
(Bear with me, its the "post attending NDP live" syndrome)
Gosh I've been thinking tt its 11.35pm! Its already 2.50am!! Dang, the faulty clock.

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