Friday, September 09, 2005

get the back seats. get your popcorn and coke ready. ohya and a sweater. mayb a tissue box.
get comfy. cos we're singaporeans. safe singaporeans.

every night in our couches we watch the news-tsunamis, floods, hurricanes, the recent catastrpohy in new orleans. i know very well, i do not deserve to be here. some people there may or may not deserve to be there too.but the question is, why do i get to sit here and watch the other countries crumble? definitely, i woudnt be able to stop these from happening- im not god. but i guess i wasnt made to sit back and watch the show.

but still, why? is god more patient with singaporeans? or mayb singaporeans are less wicked? not true at all. another brutal murder was reported today on the streets of orchard road. den why? it is truly our priviledge to be free of all natural disasters, stable economy, a good and just government. a democratic society free of riots.

i beilieve that it is getting clearer that god has set apart singapore from all the other countries of SEA, of the middleeast, all over the world. hmm, isnt it so true tt our god never changes? then, he used the little things to make great impacts. today, i believe with all my heart tt he's so gonna use singapore ,small and pathetic, to rock ths world for him. woah. this thot excites me!
its time 'slackeristical' singaporeans jump out of their couches and live the way god has ordained us to live. =)

ohwell, im starting off by jumping into bed. since its almost two and ive gotta give tuition tmr!! rarr

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