Thursday, February 23, 2006

i know that i left you wondering if ive abandoned my blog for more than a gazillion times. haha
in fact, i'll be surprised if anyone still visits my blog.heh
i'll try to blog more often, i guess.
alrighty, as i have guessed, this year's pretty challenging.
work's piling up like crazy. especially for an experienced procrastinator like me.heh
ive got three tests tmr. yes three. of which i am confident of any.
granddad's still in the hospital.
dad and mum are leaving next week.
jeez, sounds like alot to contain.
alrighty, i shall try to salvage the fate of my tests tmr NOW. wow. i actually did not say later.
praying hard that i would be able to fail without a single digit for chem. i need a miracle.