Friday, June 02, 2006


the whole day was really fun.
haven't been shopping for like the longest time!
went with colleen, us thinking we were uber focused on what we wanted to get but.
BUT. as usual, we bought stuff we didnt actually need la. soo...
oh well, at least we had fun! loads of it man. (:
joy's back from new zealaaaaannnnnnd. "HOORRRRAYS!" shouts 'ehem.
went to pepper lunch for dinner (yea. irony.) and the fooood was yum!
thanks shuann for the de-commendation but i liked it anyhow. haha
suffocated in smoky nydc for dessert and headed home.
sadly only catching like 15 mins of chang jin! okay i know how weird i am. but whatever.

can't believe it camp's lyke next week?
sooo looking forward to it man.
i'm really pathetic.
its gonna be my very first time to sunway lagoon. haha. told ya.
at the same time, im so screwed for my mid years! tell me i'm not cause i soo need it. haha
got really lil time to study, whatsmore talk about getting into the mood to.
i know its gotta take loads of discipline, but i really neeed to know where i can buy tt.

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