Friday, June 02, 2006

its MUMMY'S b'dae today.
its the very first time in my 17 years that on 2nd of june- we're not sitting in some restaurant, singing some birthday song.
sure does feel so weird.
everything's just so different without my parents around.
no one to watch tv with, no one to talk nonsense to, no one who would nagg at the messiness of my room, no one to wake me up for school, no one to wake me up early in the holidays saying" while you're sleeping now, ever wondered what are your friends doing now? they studying! and what are you doing? how will this few hours of sleep impact your future, girl...?" hahahaha
no one to tell me what to do and what i can't do...
yup, the house is sooooooo quiet. i can hear the crickets.
everything's just forcing me to "grow up", i guess.
just so weird that i don't have to inform anyone my everyday activities,
don't have to rack my brains about how to hide my big shopping bags from dad,
don't have to pick up the tissues on the floor(my dad's favorite pastime for me. haha),
don't have to ever stop playing sims and pretend to study.
hey aunties and uncles, its really dumb to ask me all the time:
"hey. so. you miss your parents anot?"
i think i can write a book about 101 questions ppl ask when your parents are away.
sample answers included okay. hah
how much do you think i should sell it for? hmm.
for all the agony in going thru such experiences to write the book, 1000 bucks?

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