Wednesday, June 28, 2006

exams. oh how agonizing they are.
every second seems like a century,
every question seems like such a stranger.
every discussion of the exam paper such a frustration.
indeed, i did try to start studying on monday and im tolly proud of myself for that.
cheers for esther! (:
okay but like its so impossible to like finish so many topics a day before the exam.
oh the feeling sucks man. once again, i tell myself i can study after the exam.
oh quey esther esther, when will you ever learn the true meaning of exams.
no, it not about extra slping time on the examination hall or early releases from school. lol
tt'll take me quite awhile to digest.
and so the freaking fans of pj are not working well and when you're so lucky to be seated in the middle sector, you die of heat exhaustion on a humid warm afternoon.
i almost died in the afternoon. torturous. fever, oh how i hate you. go away ):

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