Monday, June 19, 2006

cos im happy happy happy (:(:(:(:
oh lord you make me sooo happy;
the way you brought the sunshine along in my darkest hours,
the way you looked at me when you hung on the cross,
the way you smile when i do something silly,
the way you whisper into my ear saying "everthing's gonna be just alright".

to be in your presence every moment,
to wake up each day knowing someone's waiting to say good morning,
to live each day for you,
to know that i don't have to hide who i am or try to be someone to make you love me,
to know tt im forgiven no matter how deep the stain of my sins were,
to know tt i'll never have to walk alone,
to know tt i've got to the solution to every problem, yep tt's YOU. (:
to know tt my future is in your hands,
to know you've got a great plan for all our lives and you know it all
to know you never fail and your promises are true and are coming to past,
to know that you died that we might live

the thot of your majesty,
the thot of how your enemies tremble at the sound of your voice,
the thot tt you're on my side,
the thot tt you're watching over me.
the thot of what you've done and what you're about to do
just the thot of YOU.
lord, you make all the difference(:
indeed, i don't need another reason to smile.

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