Wednesday, July 19, 2006

my deepest sympathies to those who lost their loved ones in the recent tsunami and earthquake.
the video footages screened during the news were really heartbreaking.
when i saw those bodies tt laid motionless,
when i heard the weeping and mourning of those who lost their loved ones
such grief filled my heart,
unexplainably melancholic all of a sudden.

once again i find myself asking the same questions all over again.
why am i here.
i could have been one of those tt were washed away by the furious waves.
i could have been one of those tt died in the war in Lebanon.
i could have been just gone just lyke tt- not given a chance to know God, not given a chance to do the things i longed to do.
you too.
it was just another day for them. just lyke when you woke up to school, to work today.
but it ended a lil different.
they didnt know when they were gonna be gone from this world, they didnt wake up expecting to die tt day.
well the thing is, we wont know. we'll never know when we gotta leave this world.
what if in the next five minutes,boom and you're gone forever?
life's short, life's unexpectedly short for some.
well i really don't wanna regret for not doing the things i should have, or doing things i shouldnt have.
my priorities, the way i spend my time, the way i treat others, my actions, my attitudes.
arg looks lyke there's alot to ponder about.
everyday's god's gift to us- another display of his great mercies and grace.
thank you lord so much, for giving me another chance to live today the way you wished i lived.
but i'll try harder tmr, if there is a tmr.
cos i really dont know. do you?

dear God, wont you please send an angel to comfort them?
wont you please mend their broken hearts?
wont you let them find their missing loved ones?
wont you please, let them come to know tt you're real? and tt you love them so much?
i heard you, louder this time.
the clock is ticking.
time is sprinting out.

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