Sunday, July 16, 2006

yesterday's production was a total success.
million cheers for GOD! (: for being there and moving the hearts of the ppl.
thousand cheers for those tt were involved in the cleaning of the chairs we sat on, the arranging of chairs, the cleaning of the toilets, the 'props' ppl and the people who stayed up nights just to practice- planning, the drama, the "idol competition", the supporters, the dancers, the sound ppl, the lighting ppl, the video ppl (they were lyke so pro!) and of COURSE JASMINE TRIAS. (SOOOOOO PRETTY.) (:
not forgetting the hosts, the ushers( who were pretty mean but i still love you.), the pastors and pastor tomy.
and the list goes on...
all in all, i sincerely wanna thank all the ppl who made the event possible.
without you guys, no matter how small you think you're role may have seemed, those hundreds would not have found Jesus- the answer to their cries, the one who can fill the void in their lives.
without you guys, we won't be seeing those hundreds in heaven prasing god together.
so once again THANK YOU. <3

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