Sunday, August 06, 2006

first! i wanna thank god for subsiding the typhoon in macau.
my parents are safe.
my mum must be elated.
she was lyke complaining about eating cup noodles everyday during tt period of time. HAIR LOSS!. ARG haha

im overjoyed. :D
nth's changed.
but i don't know, god's just making me so happy, so whole.
everytime i think of how great he is, how sinful i am and tt he still can love me the same.
and tt makes me really happy. (:
argh, how! im so happy.
today i was lyke scolding jack for bullying the lil kitten (jill).
and once i turn away he goes back to do the same thing again!
this went on for lyke ten times okay.
this thot struck me- we are so lyke jack. god's lyke dont do it.
and we're lyke okay god. next moment. we did it wrong again.
but the great thing is even we do it a billion times, god is still able to forgive as long as we turn back?
he's really the BEST thing tt has ever happened to me.
how could this actually happen to someone lyke me? i mean me?
sometimes i look into the mirror and im lyke YEE. but god begs to differ.
i cannot explain.
again, he's left me speechless.
im so excited about the days to come.
its gonna be tough but hey, someone's gonna go thru it all with me.
not gonna leave for a single second? YAY
and hullo? he has superpowers! heh (:(:
he's so so so awesome. <3<3<3
what a god. what a friend.

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