Saturday, August 05, 2006

this week has slipped by so silently once again.
the pressure cooker's gonna explode very soon.
quiet time spent with god really does play a major part of what makes a day.
have let my busyness cut tt off quite a bit. okay alot.
not a good thing.
finally realised why i got past this week so. unhappily?
lyke by friday im lyke barely the (:(:(: me.
its okay, ive gotten the wax outta my ears. haha
the reason why we get so upset most of the time is prolly just cause we turn a deaf ear to god?
i mean, if there's someone cheering you on, encouraging you, how could you still be discouraged?
yup so to those who are dying out there, hear god and draw strength from him.
he's niceeee. REALLY nice. okay, nicest!

ystd's barbeque with club was somehow fun. (:
we took lyke freaking 2 hours to start the fire!
but ya, i wasnt much of a help lar. haha i can't start a fire for nuts.
i don't even know how to use a lighter. haha
but still, i really wanna thank you j1s if you ever read this. (prolly not, but whatever.)
so touched okay. tear. ;)
stayed over at jme's place with clara to watch vcds.
hmm which i fell asleep before lyke the second disc of the second movie. lol
aiya. ohya, i so love jme's house! so "cottage".

please keep my parents in prayer ya.
they're travelling back and forth macau and zhuhai( so place in china) and there's lyke a pretty bad typhoon gg ard.
but ya, god'll take care of them, i know. :D

suddenly the world seems such a perfect place
suddenly it moves with such a perfect grace
suddenly my life doesn't seem such a waste
it all revolves around you
and there's no mountain too high no river too wide
sing out this song and i'll be there by your side
storm clouds may gather and stars may collide
but I'll love you until the end of time.

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