Monday, September 11, 2006

its been five years since the 911 incident has occured.
my word. does time fly or is it just me?
i remember all the hoohaa about the world coming to an end tt year and all.
it was when i was secondary one? ewww.
i was just looking thru my photos the other day and i realised ive lyke undergone lyke a cycle or something! REALLLLLYYYYY.
when i was young lyke 8, i had a look.
then i looked different when i was sec 1,
then i looked seriously hideous when i was sec 2(puberty!),
then i had another look when i was sec4. and when i look at all the photos now i look exactly lyke the one taken when i was eight. HAHA

prelims are here.
just took my gp paper.
totally screwed it. ahhh sorta went outa pt and my time management was... pfftttt. nvm
well, i'll still continue putting my trust in god tt he'll help me. if i ever do badly, i guess i could have worked harder (and not last minute) i guess.
its really easy to say radical things about god and stuff when all is gg well.
the true test comes when nth seems to be gg right. isnt it?
oh well, althou ive got no stinknig idea what's gg on now, i know God does. (:
okay im gonna slp for awhile and wakey to mug for wed's math paper. :D

i dont lyke exams! then again, who does.

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