Friday, September 22, 2006

prelims are over. i cant believe im saying this with my tone.
im not exactly happy nor sad.
somehow ive got my whole prelims pretty screwed up la.
today's econs was no exception. i sorta misread the data for data response question.
woah. yes, woah so dead.
you know we actually got to know our econs paper one results right after we did our paper two. (both papers on same day, both are in the afternoon!)
amazing efficiency i must say. my class average was 13/30. HAHAHA the whole level did pretty much thr. but still, HAIIIII
i know, its all over now, there's nth much i can do.
just worried tt i'll disappoint my teachers beyond they can bear. hah.
its okay esther! well try harder for "A"s ya!
(: haha zi gu li. lol

anyways, im gonna enjoy this few coming days first before i start my REAL REVISION.
haha yay
went to town after the two depressing econs papers today with dearies.
ate at cafe cartel. FREE BREAD! HAHA yayay
mtg glad and jie min for breakfast tmr,
then im gonna go swimming! any idea how much weight i put on since the start of the exams?! stress=continual munching ):
gonna meet cheryl dear tmr after her work tmr too! i miss em la. (:
cashless shopping. oh how am i gonna survive.
den gg to glad's place to stayover tmr! seems lyke forever since ive seen ling hui. and she's staying over too!

i cant wait for my slp over in the east at clara's next tues!

thank god, for not giving up on me, even when he has all the reason to. (:

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