Sunday, October 22, 2006

hello blogspot.
i'm gonna miss you........ but not for long! (:
this is gonna be the very last time i blog before i come to express my exhilaration after my exams. REALLY. haha

ive been into alot of fearing and worrying these days, thou i know you can't tell very much. but yea, ive been having slpless night..NAH.( how is tt ever possible). haha no. but really been real fearful of what my future's gonna look lyke. and you know, when you start thinking of it, there's no end to worrying. there are lyke a thousand to the power of infinity "what if"s tt you can possibly think of. and i tell you, its hella tiring.
but i thank god for taking away my burden. im just gonna go with HIS flow i guess. (: feeling so much more liberated now. (: GOD YOU ROCK, so hard.

"for i know the plans i have for you, they're plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you a hope and bright future. then you will call upon me and come and pray to me, and i will listen to you. you will seek me and find me when you seek me with all your heart. i will be found in you, and will bring you back from capitivity."
jer 29:11-14

and ohya, my auntie is paying for my airfare to macau! yaaaaaayyy. :D
alright, im gonna start my marathon now, do keep us "A" levies in your prayers ya? REALLY NEED EM. (:

much looooove<3

1 comment:

kangaroo said...

hi! work hard! there's this quote which goes 'what would you do if you know you wouldn't fail?' on the tv in school! just continue to work hard ;)