Wednesday, February 28, 2007

because He lives
i can face tomorrow
because He lives
all fear is gone
and now i know, i know
He holds the future
and life is worth the living
just because He lives

"mom, what should i be when i grow up?"
"i wanna be an accountant! i wanna be a lawyer. i wanna be an actress. i wanna be a chef! (mom shakes head vigorously! she has tasted my 'work' see.) can i work at the circus?"

i remember how i used to bug my mum bout who and what she wanted me to be. i used to have like a whole lot of ideas and ambitions. but now, when the time has come for me to decide which route to take, my mind's blank and i have no idea at all. like AT ALL.

ahhhh God help me.

results this friday.
everyone's asking "so how you feel? any expectations? how you think you'll do?"
as much as i hate the questions, i've given them some thot. i knw God'll come thru' for me no matter what. don't get me wrong, i'm not saying im definitely getting straight As. but i do believe that whatever happens, God's in control and he wants the best for me. (: and his definition of best could or could not be the same as ours. but his ways are higher i guess! :D

its not that i'm not scared at all. i'm get quite frightened when i remember all the mistakes i've made and considering i never/barely passed my subs in pj. but yea. now i sound so contradicting. hai thin line btwn faith tt you'll do very well and learning to accept God's plan for your life even if you do bad. aiya, i shall not think abt this anymore. & i'll leave it at that.

we'll see. *shivers!

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