Wednesday, March 07, 2007

alright, its pretty obvious by now how free in life i am. just looking at how frequent i blog now. well you can't blame me, my job inclines me to get side tracked alot.

so as i was getting 'side tracked' ystd during work, i got a lil frightened cos i felt someone shaking my chair rather forcefully. then i realised, my table was shaking too. i turned back and realised thr wasn't anyone! haha. before i knew it, we all had to evacuate the building. yea, the tremor was a result of the earthquake in West Sumatra i think. we evacuated twice ystd luh! quite a funny sight. my colleagues were camwhoring. hahahaha. seriously?! narcissists. and it was later reported tt ppl along beach road were weeping and screaming. i was like, right... thank God for his protection anyway. (:

i guess everyone took it pretty lightly. but i couldn't help but think, what if one day something strikes Singapore? something so major tt leaves the country in total despair?

How long until You defend Your name and set the record right
And how far will You allow the human race to run and hide
And how much can You tolerate our weaknesses
Before You step into our sky blue and say "That’s quite enough."

Am I naive to want a remedy for every bitter heart
Can I believe You hold an exclamation point for every question mark
And can I leave the timing of this universe in bigger hands
And may I be so bold to ask You to please hurry?

I hear that a God who’s good would never let the evil run so long
But I say it’s because You’re good
You’re giving us more time, yeah
‘Cause I believe that You love to show us mercy
But when will You step into our sky blue
And say "That’s quite enough, and your time is up."

Am I naive
Can I believe
And can I leave
in bigger hands
And may I be so bold to ask You, to ask You, to ask You
How long?

chris rice- naive.

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