Wednesday, April 04, 2007


i was jobless for a minute, and now... i'm a contented employee once again, with a nicer employer this time! haha. (:

i'm working at Tambalog, a kindergarten cum day care centre. (: thanks to hilda! called her up on sunday to ask for a vacancy and it happened to be so, that a girl has just quit to go back to poly! it was really quite timely i must say. thank God!! :D i'm really loving my job now, like i actually look forward to gg to work?! that's a job tt really hard to find- cute angmoh kids, nice colleagues, nice environment, a job tt's NOT MONOTONOUS. yes, thank god for that. although the pay's really not much compared to my previous jobs, i think i love this one the most. heh :D Qiu Xia has been really kind in helping me get used to everything too, thanks dear!

today was the second day of my work fyi. HAHA. okayn, i was super blur in the morning, i walked into the kindergarten beside Tambolog. i didnt even realise after i put my slippers in the cupboard at the common area.! so embarrassed! they have one stretch of "colonial" looking houses in that area. now, how was i supposed to know. haha

photos up soon anw..! <3<3

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