Thursday, May 10, 2007

Do I not know your every need and desire? Oh You know it well Lord.

For the record, i stayed in school till 9 plus in the evening for a mtg ystd. Gosh. Have been working till super late the whole week and i'm overjoyed that its finally friday tmr! Really thank God for the grace and strength he's given me this whole week. I'm loving Tambalog increasingly each day! I've learnt so so much. Anyway, i'm on one week leave next week. *Screams from the roof tops. Took another week's leave for church camp in June. My days in Tambalog are numbered. ):

And so NTU got back to me. I got my second choice i.e. Sociology. You know what tt means? That means esther's not cut out for the business world. yay. So obviously, i think i'm taking the NUS offer, hallelujah! Gonna work very very hard. :D Oh guys, can we just forget bout the silly thing i said i was gg to do if i get into the U. Gosh, never knew you guys had such good memory. BAD. Be nice to me and gimme a break! Hope Louisa decides to go to NUS too. Then we'll be primary cum secondary cum JC cum uni friends! how cool is that please.

Interesting how now as i look back in life, at every pt of my life God placed a positive Godly influence in my life. Someone i can talk to about the God stuff, you know? I rmbr how i used to talk for hours with louisa bout our hopes and dreams in God. Not forgetting how jamie and i would encourage each other with God's word whenever we felt like giving up. Looking back, God has really been watching over me, making sure i don't wander too far. haha

He amazes me. :3

your grace still amazes me
your grace is still a mystery
each day, i fall on my knees
your grace still amazes me

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