Thursday, July 05, 2007

I'm back from my Econs camp! Darker, richer (now i sound like some chocolate! haha) and happy.

I'm ashamed to say tt I actually felt so sian-ed on the first day tt I was so tempted to go home. haha. You see, I arrived on the first day with louisa (thank God for you love!) and all i saw was a handful no. of ppl. I meant, I could actually count the no. of ppl with my fingers literally! And so, in the end there were 11 freshies. 1 guy out of the 11. (my hopes were smashed! kidding.) Although there were many more seniors than juniors, my hopes were... NVM. moving on! haha Everyone was just so freaking smart- we're talking bout top few jcs and no. of distinctions for S papers here. Sad case.

BUT. Everything sorta took a turn on the first night! Fast, I know. Games got much more fun! Running all around Spore, water and beach games. Everyone sorta warmed up and stopped acting like who they weren't anyway. haha. Since it was a super small camp, we had loadsa free time at night to just play cards, mahjong and chit-chat. We didn't sleep for the last two nights! Can you imagine.. estherfoong not sleeping! I think I was out of my mind, seriously. haha
So anyway the food was not as bad as i hoped it for it to be. (so i can lose some calories involuntarily) We stayed in NUS's residence. Its like a better version of hall, where you don't need to take part in any activities or whatsoever. We each got a room to ourselves! :D But we moved out to the Pasir Ris Bungalow on the third day. Everyone into ONE chalet. haha yea, now you get the picture of the size of the camp. haha Barbequed food was GOOOOOD stuff.

All in all, the company was great i must say. I think I've made quite a number of good friends in this camp. (hope we'll cont'd to stay in contact) I really had fun just watching the sunrise tog, chit-chatting all night, playing a*sh*le daidee, werewolf, having breakfast at 4am tog, every lil part of it. I really enjoyed myself. (:

Day 2: Photohunt cum station games around Spore. It was superrrr fun! And tiring for my feet. Considering it was our only mode of transport was our 'kars'.
I have fat thighs. Just let me die.


When we were dry

Awaiting death

I was like extremely targeted on this one! I wonder why Kaiwen! haha

Sandwich game! Poor gary.

At the chalet

Forfeit: Seven wonders (one of their favs, besides poledancing and the banana dance. haha)
This is also the reason why I'm exceptionally focused when I'm playing games in camp. haha I just realised I didn't do a single forfeit thruout the camp. Muhahaha Am I good or what.

Feeling lucky, Kim chong!

PS: I didn't bring my cam, so gotta wait for the others to send their pictures! ): will update post again.

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