Thursday, July 19, 2007


The week has been and will be busy for me! Haven't been able to make it for any of the UC meet ups. SIGH. But yea, on the bright side... I got to meet my econs soc friends after what seemed like ages and I am seriously surprised at how everyone was still able to talk to everyone like good ol' friends. (: Its amazing. I thank God for em. :D
Girls from my og of 7. hahaha
trying to contain our laughter. i look so funny. hahaha

The reason why I think I'm happy is cause I had Ikea meatballs! Like finally, after soo long. Haha JasonTan was really nice to help EstherTan and myself transport stuff for the care and share! Thanks. (: Those photo frames were seriously heavy. Plus Ikea doesn't provide plastic bags anymore. You gotta PURCHASE them. 'Save the environment' effort

CONGRATS JOY the infamous chao bin! You did soooo well! :D You should've seen the girl on the track man. So cool 'sial'. Haha

I went grocery shopping with Mum and Dad today. I'm glad I spent my morning fruitfully instead of sleeping it away like I'd usually do. Haha 'Mum and Dad's are the best, don't you think. Its like, they've seen how obnoxious and irritating you are capable of being, yet on this earth, they are the ones tt really love you the 'most-est'. And you don't have to be someone you're not when you're with them. My tendencies of getting bruised sorta got my Dad a lil worried. So he got some gross chinese powdered medication for me. And I totally detest powdered medicine! So he actually went to get empty capsules so he could "make" them into tabular form so I can consume em and not die. (: I wanna find someone like my dad. heh!

Speaking of which, I met up with the secondary school gang. And cutting the long story short, Daniel and Lynn, I'm so happy for you both. Its been awhile since I've heard " Breaking up is not an option for us." "This is a three way rlsp, God, her and myself." Like wow, someone is feeling me!? Sigh. Let's not go there now, its late and I've got a million things to do. Great.

Oh at least there's night cycling tmr night which I'm sooo looking forward to!

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