Monday, July 30, 2007

Matriculation Fair

Hello world! The world i see (correction,saw.) is (was) full of hope, love and colors! Hehe I get estatic too easily. Ahahaha okay.

My day started off EXCEPTIONALLY well ... hahahaha. :D

Until I realised tt it was gonna be an embarrassing morning for me. Sylvia and I tried all means to try to get my IC out of my stupid wallet. And even though the queue was exceptionally long, when it was my turn to collect my matri card, I still couldn't dig it out. Sylvia was like laughing like crazy at how an embarrassment I was. And when I handed the person my entire big fat wallet, he looked at me somewhat puzzled. I had no choice," I couldn't get my IC out. ". I thought he'd try to at least conceal his laughter a lil?! But darn, he burst out laughing too. My world crashed into a million pieces. No more hope and the skies were grey. Sigh, why me God!!!!!!!!! Why am I so weird. hahahahha.

Okay and so the rest of the day was spent lugging bags of rubbish ppl chuffed into our faces at the matric fair. It was fun thou. Thinking of ways to reject ppl who are overly enthusiastic in getting our particulars down and looking at the faces of how some sports group ppl are forced to look at me and ask if I'm into sports. haha Look at me, just look. I, play sports. Haha Competitively! Haha. Actually i honestly think the questions were directed to the rest of my friends. And it just happened tt I was beside. Haha I signed for many many other things thou! I think after awhile I gave up giving excuses, too tired. Oh! I feel like joining fencing. As in really. Haha! Its really cool. (:

Just realised tt effectively from today, I've gotta go to school like every other day. No more sleeping in... No more er, sleeping in... ): And I've gotta sit in a lecture theatre from 10ish to 4 tmr! Doubt I'll survive. Bring cards, bring cards! Or we can play the bang bang game which des cal caleb and dan think of as pathetic. Its is not okay!

Pardon me for my random-ness. Precisely why I love my blog! Its the only place where I can go on ranting nonsense and you actually read nonsense and are forced to condone my grammatical and expression errors.

I isH got the hApPiExXZ worXx.

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