Monday, September 28, 2009

Good morning, sunshine.

Had a lazy afternoon sipping tea and eating cakes in town with Jean. (: Seriously, what more could I ask for? Meet ups with her are always extremely precious! Perhaps it's because she lives a million miles away and I just don't have the privilege of seeing her often. But it's more than that, of course. There are people whom make you feel loads better after spending an hour with them. Frivolous talk about anything under the sun (happy things!) and most importantly, talks that turn our heads back to the right direction. I'm always extremely encouraged. (:

Can you ask your siblings to give birth more often so you can come back to S'pore more!
The cakes were seriously gooood!

I can never thank Him enough for you, really :')

I am blessed.

1 comment:

jean said...

(': such a sweet, warm and fuzzy post. lotsa 爱. haha iwishididnthavetoleavesosoon; but. im glad we gotta meet up anyhow. hugs.

youknow, you have been sucha a dear too (: love.