Tuesday, January 02, 2007

happy new year everyone! i know it lil late but yea.
okay wait. its really 2007?!
and im gonna turn 19 this august??????

2006 was a good year to rmbr! (: thank God. Looking back... parents were away, it was my "A" level year and of course, i faced my fear of cats by adopting Jack. It was indeed a "woah" and "how did so many things happen in a year? how did i get thru it man?!" kinda year. but yea, i wont forget how God has blessed me so much in the year of 2006.

bro and STEAD. hahahahhahaa i.e. esther tan
my church pals! <3<3<3 color="#ff6666">schoolmates (:
aunties and uncles in church tt have showed some concern in any form big or small.
auntie lily! for cooking yummy food helping out with my house and pei-ing me at night sometimes! <3<3

Remembering how every time when it came to the last 10 days of each month, i cannot even withdraw a single cent from my atm! hahaha. oops. GOD is so good tt he provides!see, im still the fat me today! haha.

ohohoh! and how GOD saw me thru my JC. provided me with the 500 bucks bursary which i dunno why i got when i got triple Fs. the 70% waiver off my "A" level exam fees! my parents didnt have to pay a single cent for my education in 2006. Thank GOD! (:

and of cos He saw me thru the darkest nights and yes, i remember how He stuck to his word tt everytime i seeked him, he never left me alone to fend for myself. Thank you Jesus, for 2006. Thank you my dearests, i love ya'll! You leave me speechless.

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