Thursday, March 15, 2007

"this is what you are supposed to cut and paste if you decide to participate in the tagging game.. People who get tagged need to write in a blog of their own 6 weird things about themselves as well as state the rules clearly. In the end, you need to choose 6 people to be tagged and list their names. After you do that, leave them each a comment letting them know you tagged them and to read your blog."

6 is real tough. i mean, as you all know, i such a sane kinda person. haha okay fine.

so here goes.....

1. i wear my jeans to bed occasionally. (especially if my jeans look so tight they look painted on my thunder thighs. so by doing this i can expand it thru' the long hours of wearing em.)
2. i get injured very very very VERY easily. ( i trip over myself, roll down stairs, i swing my hands into walls, get leg cramps when i play hop-scotch{at stage 1 mind you} )

3. i entertain myself and torture those around me. muhahahaha. ( with weird voices that gather lots of stares, with my waving to strangers, with spastic things i do when i feel like it. )

4. i like fries/hashbrowns/nuggets dipped in ice cream

5. i feel sleepy after drinking coffee or anything tt contains caffeine.

6. i always point at others to make em feel bad for what they've done. (eg cut my queue for a cab. sad tt they don't even feel remorseful? i know, not very christ-like i am.)

honourable ppl i've chosen:
1. jamie
2. janet
3. jun ming
4. jessie
5. elvinf
6. jasontan


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